Another Hatchett Job, Your Favorite Jewelry Lady

30 Days of Faves–Day 4

Are ya’ll ready to take a walk on the WILD SIDE?  With the gorgeous Safari Enhancer (retail $39), you can embolden any look and embrace a little bit of the animal kingdom!  Premier’s Enhancers have always been a big hit...

Another Hatchett Job blog

30 Days of Faves–Day 3

Some days, a girl just needs a bling ring!  Am I right?  Yep.  I thought so!  This gorgeous creation is the Magnolia Ring.  It is finished with both a soft matte and super shiny silver finish.  Plus, sparkly crystals to...

Another Hatchett Job, Premier Designs, Jewelry, Your Favorite Jewelry Lady

30 Days of Faves–Day 2

Welcome back to Day 2 of the 30 Days of Faves Blog Party hosted by Mama Diva, Lynsey Jones, The Party Plan Coach!  I am so glad you stopped by to see what is new.  I’ve got to say that...

Another Hatchett Job, Premier Designs, Jewelry, Your Favorite Jewelry Lady

30 Days of Faves

Well, Lynsey Jones, of Moscato Mom and The Party Plan Coach fame, is at it again!  This time, she has created the first annual 30 Days of Faves Blog Party for those of us who work in the Direct Sales...

Another Hatchett Job blog, layering jewelry, Premier Designs

Quick Jewelry Tip: Layering

Sometimes, a good thing is, well, just not enough.  For example, you have 2 or 3 necklaces that you love that are similar (but not identical) in length.  But, none of them are just right for what you are planning...

Another Hatchett Job, colors, art

Jewelry for Cool Colors

Yesterday, we learned a tip on how to chose jewelry when you are wearing warm colors.  But, what if you are not wearing warm colors–what then? If you are not wearing warm colors, black or white, then you are wearing...

Another Hatchett Job

Jewelry for Warm Colors

Howdy! And welcome back for another Jewelry Quick Tip! Often, ladies aren’t confident in selecting jewelry to go with a particular outfit and color scheme. To make things a little easier, here is a basic (safe) jewelry selection tip when...

Another Hatchett Job blog, jewelry techniques, framing

Quick Jewelry Tip: Framing

What can you do when you want to make a simple piece of jewelry look more visually significant than it really is?  Want an easy way to pull together your look without leaving out your favorite piece of fine jewelry?...

Another Hatchett Job, jewelry, jewelry lady, High Fashion Jewelry

2 Pieces of Jewelry–6 Looks!

Oh wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could all have a huge, retail style jewelry case, filled to the brim, for our very own?  Of course, we might not wear everything in it.  But, it would be nice to know...

Another Hatchett Job blog, vlog post

A Question From Jendi

Wow!  I am so excited!  I just love it when I get a viewer question because it means that someone is actually watching my videos!  It just doesn’t get much better than that! Today’s question is from Jendi at Simple...

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