Living Well Wednesdays–11/19/2011

Living Well Wednesday buttonWell, it’s weigh in day.  Sigh.

It’s official.  I gained .6 lbs this week.  Gained.  Don’t like that word.  It’s not even February and I am already losing ground.  This stinks.

In my own defense, my Dad began having seizures in the middle of the night last Wednesday night/Thursday morning.  He spent some time in the hospital.  He is okay now; he just gave us quite a scare!

Believe it or not, I stayed pretty much with my eating plan during the hospital stay.  I grabbed a box of Atkins bars (the closest choice to the plan that I am on) and threw them down in the bottom of my purse.  They were my meal replacement as I ran back and forth to the hospital and running any errands that my parents needed me to take care of for them.

When I got home, things fell apart.  You would think that it would be easier when I got home.  Things like having good, healthy foods available whenever I wanted them, a more regular schedule, and just time to relax (LOL!) would seem to make it easier to follow the plan.  But, when I got home is when I absolutely emotionally fell apart.  I went mindlessly to the comfort foods.

It was easy to be strong in the hospital.  I was strong for Dad.  I was strong for Mom.  I didn’t flinch when he seized up (and that was pretty gruesome to watch).  I held it together.  When I got home and knew that Mom was in worse shape than when Dad was in the hospital (because she is scared he will have more seizures and he won’t have medical help as readily available), I just fell apart.  I began to sleep every spare moment and was only functional when my children or my parents needed me to be.

I am back on the program as of yesterday and I supposed that .6 lbs is a small price to pay for a week full of fear and an off kilter schedule.

Here’s to success next week!

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7 Responses to Living Well Wednesdays–11/19/2011

  1. Natalie says:

    Jan, honey, .6lbs after the week you have been through – I’m amazed. The fact that you even grabbed those Atkins bars is incredibly impressive! As everything begins to settle down, and your father recovers, I am sure that you will find yourself back on track. You did amazing last week. Don’t dismiss that x

  2. Ann Odle says:

    Oh Jan! When stuff like this happens, you’ve got to cut yourself a little slack (in my opinion). I went through some of this last summer when my Uncle went into the hospital. I’ll keep your family in my prayers and you just get plenty of rest; that’s one of the most important things when we’re under stress!

  3. Hi Jan

    So glad to hear your dad is out of hospital and is doing better.
    Dont worry about the 6lb gain that will soon come off once things realy settle down and you are back to normal.

  4. Belinda says:

    Jan -

    I am sorry that you had such a rough week. Please know that I am praying for you!

    This is a new week – a fresh slate – you can start fresh!

  5. Lynsey Jones says:

    Yeah girl, give yourself some slack – I know if I had had the week you did, I would have delved into the “comfort food” and put on six TIMES that much! LOL I am so glad you Dad is better, and will continue to pray for him. Take care sweetie!

  6. Kim Rhodes says:

    Hey there chicklet! Don’t you dare let that scale get your down! Like everyone else has said, you had a rough week. Look at this way, would you beat me up if I had a week like you and gained weight? Heck no, you would encourage me! Why treat yourself any different than you would a friend. Remember, it is okay to love yourself!! You are worth it! Keeping your family and your dad in my prayers. Buck up, buckeroo!!

  7. admin says:

    Thanks, ladies! Ya’ll are so wonderful and supportive. I just love ya’ll!

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