Another Hatchett Job blog, vlog post

My Feed Sack Quilt

I am a quilter.  I am other things, too, but when I started this blog, I wanted to reach out to others who used quilting and crafts as a creative outlet.  I have really enjoyed making quilts, helping others with...

quilting, quilt stores, creative commons

The End of an Era…

My mom forwarded me an email message the other day that told of some sad news. The Gardener’s Quilts, my LQS, is closing its doors. For some odd reason, I never made it on their email list and my mom always forwarded their messages on to me. The sale started on Monday morning at 10 am and (I am told) die hard quilters lined up for over an hour to get into the store to shop one last time.

tendonitis, quilting, health

What Else Could Go Wrong?

Tendonitis.  Not the forearm kind that I already know how to work around until it heals, but the kind that binds up the shoulders, making the arms more or less useless.  Holding anything of weight makes the shoulder burn.  Forget...

quilts, crafts, frugal gifts

Decisions, decisions….

Before I lose my mind, I need a new project to work on.  I do love to have a quilt in progress at all times, but lately I can’t seem to get into anything much.  I am feeling a bit...

mom and dad with quilts christmas 2010

They were a hit!

The Christmas quilts, that is!  Here are Mom and Dad with their quilts on Christmas Eve.  Yes, they live in a log cabin, so the quilts work well there.  They both loved theirs and they told me that they have...


Victory at last!  Dad’s quilt is completed and ready to be gifted when we see him for dinner tonight!  Whew!  I am really glad that this one is ready in the nick of time (I have never run so late...

Close, but not complete….

Okay, I have been making lots of progress with Dad’s Christmas quilt, but I keep finding more things that either keep me away from finishing up, or that create extra work for me. But, here is where we stand… This...

Borders and Astronomical Delights

Okay, I will freely admit that I am a night person and that often the best chance I get to do anything remotely creative is after everyone is in bed and I can enjoy the quiet. Tonight, I got the...

Finally! Some Progress (and Pictures)!

Ta-daaa!  Here it is, the majority of my Dad’s Christmas quilt. For a quilt that is mostly navy blue and beige, it really is “reading” as green.  It’s kind of funny, but that will definitely affect what I choose for...

A little bit of progress

A few blocks completed and pressed for Dad’s lap quilt.  The colors are supposed to line up so that it makes a cute, secondary design when the blocks are alternated without sashing.  It makes the pattern, but not quite the...

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