Brain Science

Apparently, a happy brain is a nourished brain.  It’s such a simple concept.  But in our culture of always having more than plenty, do we ever consider if what we have is truly nourishing?   We have more than enough of everything, but does taking advantage of this excess make us more susceptible to certain health problems, or, more startlingly, malnourishment of a type?

These are some of the concepts that I have been exploring in the book, The Diet Cure by Julia Ross.  This book is wellAnother Hatchett Job written and understandable without a background in medicine or nutrition.  Ross breaks down these concepts into manageable, if not common sense, approaches to feeding ourselves.  She delves into the heart of ten years of successfully helping regular people, nourish themselves in a way as to break emotional eating, stress patterns, bulimia, anorexia, and even just plain ol’ sugar and carb addictions.  Ross stresses simple living, nourishing the brain, and exercise.

This is a plan that I think that most people can live with.  Better yet, when was the last time you read a book with an eating plan that actually encouraged you to not need the author’s help indefinitely?  Yeah.  Me neither.

But, this book does exactly that.  I can find the supplements listed at my local stores or I can order them online.  Yes, there are a few that you can order through Ross’ clinic, but they are all available without going through her.  She even explains how online ordering can save you money by watching for good prices.  Plus, in three months to a year, most people will no longer require these supplements.  They will have completed their re-nourishment of your body and, as long as you eat plenty of good quality protein, you will likely not need to return to them.  Occasionally, stress or loss can cause an individual to return to the supplements for a few months, years down the line, but usually it is not necessary.  All food groups are included, Another Hatchett Jobbut some more moderately than others.  Only white sugar and flour are absolutely excluded.

So, let’s look at the math here.  Ross makes no money from these supplements.  Eventually, you don’t need the supplements.  You just continue to eat plenty of high quality protein and exercise moderately.  Moderately!  No, go out and kill yourself to lose weight.  Just move and be happy.  What a concept!

Now, somewhere along the line, it is important to figure out what an appropriate goal for your body is.  Quite likely, your goal won’t be on the mass produced height/weight charts.  But, it will feel right for you and you will have abundant health at this weight.  Your blood work should also reflect health at that weight.

So, what will my goal weight be?  I don’t know.  But, I am ready to work in that direction to find out!

For the record, I bought my copy of this book on Amazon.  I paid for it myself.  I am just sharing my honest opinion.  I am not out to defraud you in any way.  Just sayin’.

Till next time,

Your Favorite Jewelry Lady, Premier Designs Jewelry

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One Response to Brain Science

  1. Ann Odle says:

    There are so many diet & exercise books out there right now; its good to hear a testimonial from someone I know. That means a lot more than something that Dr. So-and-so says on the back flap of a book jacket.

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