Monday Mingle 3/14/11

Hey, ya’ll!  It’s time to Monday Mingle!  This is another one of those two-fer videos that I am linking up at Eighty MPH Mom for the Mingle and also for participation in the March Madness Vlogging Channel that is hosted by Simple Vlogging Tips and Penny Pinching Diva.  I encourage everyone to check out what the other Minglers and Vloggers areAnother Hatchett Job blog, vlog post doing today.  Consider joining us–it’s really not as scary as it seems (the questions are even posted a week in advance)!

This week’s questions are:

1.  Do you sew, crochet or knit?
2.  Are you allergic to any foods? Bee stings?
3.  Do you snore? Please describe :)

Thanks to all the other minglers this week (I just love seeing ya’ll)!  And thanks to Jen, Jendi, and Shynea for hosting these fun ways to vlog.  And a big shout out to Lynsey, the Moscato Mom and the Party Plan Coach for twisting my arm (LOL!) to get me involved in vlogging.  Thanks, girl, you’re the best!

As always, major thanks to my fabulous son, EMagnusTV, for getting up and helping his mom get this recorded before school!

Till next time,

Your Favorite Jewelry Lady, Premier Designs Jewelry

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9 Responses to Monday Mingle 3/14/11

  1. Lynsey Jones says:

    Hey Jan! I thought of you when I saw these questions!! You and all of your quilty stuff! :) I am so NOT domestic like that! LOL Nice of your family to not tell you if you snore – I never get away with it when I do! LOL
    SEE you tomorrow!

  2. Mrs. Cox says:

    All three! Impressive. Can you come teach me? LOL
    LOL gracious enough. How nice of them :)
    Have a great week!

  3. lorri says:

    Hi Jan
    Great vlog as allways.
    I can knight and sew but I do not do either much these days, no allegys as far as im aware and the snorring well my hubby and son tell me I snore like a steam train.
    Looking forward to your next post.

  4. Robin says:

    Again, your woodsy background looks heavenly! And wow, you can sew, knit, and crochet!

  5. Louise says:

    I am guilty of breathing really loudly too! Did I spell that right? Think about vlogs is you don’t need to be able to spell. ;-)

  6. Mellisa says:

    How awesome that you are able to do all 3 – I would love to learn how to sew…but think I will stick with crochet for a while. Sorry to hear about the bee sting allergy…I’ve only been stung once and my foot swelled pretty badly. Not sure if that is an allergy but I have been very careful ever since. Have a great week!

  7. I think you just inspired me to start vlogging! I’m so jealous of your craftiness, I wish I had the patience for that stuff!

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