Family Time

If you ever find your self in Georgia with a little time to spare, you may want to check out the Reynolds Nature Center in Morrow.  Yesterday, we went and did a bit of exploring at the center with the...

proud to homeschool

Decisions, decisions…

More than any other area of my life, homeschooling seems to inspire long lists of things to be considered and decisions to be made.  Sigh.   Even as a career teacher, I find myself overwhelmed in trying to make sure...

2010 comes to a close

2010 comes to a close…

and I am ready to see it go!  2010 had lots of good family moments, but more than its fair share of heartaches and issues also.  We had some painful transitions to go through and I didn’t get nearly as...

mom and dad with quilts christmas 2010

They were a hit!

The Christmas quilts, that is!  Here are Mom and Dad with their quilts on Christmas Eve.  Yes, they live in a log cabin, so the quilts work well there.  They both loved theirs and they told me that they have...


Christmas–the After Photo….

The festivities are over. Even my Mom and Dad’s dogs are feeling a bit pooped!

More Antibiotics and a Special Delivery!

Well, hubby started feeling bad yesterday, so this morning he went off to the doctor like a trooper.  He NEVER wants to miss work, so it was a little unusual for him to voluntarily go, so I knew he felt...

The verdict is in…

Acute bronchitis.  Cough.  Cough.  Wheeze. For now, I am holed up with quilt, antibiotics, magazines, laptop, inhaler, hot tea, etc. Sniffle.  I am slowly working on my gift quilt.  Hope to have some pics to show tomorrow.

Feeling puny

I am off to the doctor’s office first thing in the morning to see if I can get rid of this crud.  I have picked up the same, croupy, deep cough that I typically get with bronchitis, so I am...


What a whirlwind week we have had!  Two sick kids, doctor’s visits, doing math at home to play catch up (yuck) and trying to get things together for the Snowflake Event that starts tomorrow. The snowflakes were the fun part!...

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